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Packing for a Ugandan Safari

If you planning an African safari– Uganda safari and trying to figure out what you should bring, what is appropriate clothing for women considering the variation but want to ensure that everything you buy is culturally sensitive (but also weather appropriate) the packing list below has it all. The main thing is to be comfortable and on the whole as long as you are sensible, you are unlikely to offend. Just remember, Uganda is not a very conservative dressing style country, and peeps tend to mind their own business most of the time but just before the list here is the all-purpose piece of advice.

Generally, it is not culturally appropriate for women to show their thighs. So skirts/dresses below the knee are better off not considered but capris or long pants could always be your best bet. On top, it doesn’t really matter how covered you are for the sake of modesty – you would mostly be considering protection from the sun

With long skirts – be careful that they are not too thick of material. Some skirts people bring are not nearly as ideal as you would imagine, because you can get really hot wearing them

With long pants – consider if they drag/touch the ground. The red dirt will get on anything that it touches. So just be forewarned

I would recommend a pair of chacos to wear around the compound or another sturdy walking sandal for daily use.

For gorilla trekking, be sure you have some good quality hiking boots. They don’t call it Bwindi impenetrable forest for nothing you know.

Also for gorilla trekking, long pants/trousers and tall socks that you can tuck your pants in to. This works totally great. Though some trackers get fancy hiking gear that includes some sort or sleeve type thing that goes over the pants from the knee to the shoe and prevents ants from getting in. Either way works. Breathable long sleeve button down shirts are ideal

It’s cool in the morning up in the mountains, but gets hot once you start hiking. Bring gloves, gardening or similar – it may seem like something not to be considered but you will not regret! They help as you often grab on to trees and vines to help yourself along the tough hike, and plenty of times you may grab onto thorns. Your hands may get a little ripped up by the end. It does not get that bad, but it’s ideal.


But there are other things people simply forget and or leave behind. Here is a simple list of what to pack. The more valuable items should be packed into the carry-on to make sure that they get here and always pack enough clothing for a day into your carry-on bag in case your bag is temporarily without their owner

Prepare/set them in advance and double-check with your list to ensure you have everything. Keep it Light. Here’s a list of some of the essentials needed for your African safari or Ugandan safari to be more specific.

  • A copy of the Bradt Guidebook for Uganda-great reading on the plane and great reading as you rest at your lodge or tented camp.
  • Anti-Malaria Regiment along with any other medicine you will need.
  • Sun lotion.
  • Bug Repellant for skin and clothing – buy Australian RID (an insects repellant that also protects against tsetse flies)
  • First-Aid Kit – simple First Aid Kit that is light but has some anti-bacterial cream, band aids and other items include some eye drops our dust just might need flushing out, anti-diarrhea medicine (Imodium), rehydration sachets, aspirin, cold
  • A couple of packets of antiseptic hand wipes.
  • Sunglasses
  • Binoculars
  • Camera and battery charger remember that a UK plug is used here. Bring a quality camera – there will be so many opportunities for picture taking it be a shame if your camera did not give you quality pictures. A Film, particularly fast film for the gorillas.
  • Flashlight – and battery powered reading light.
  • Hand sanitizer.
  • And yes, one gadget – A Swiss Army Knife or a good imitation – at least you can use it as a bottle opener since sodas and beers here need one.
  • 2-3 Pairs of lightweight slacks/trousers that can dry quickly (if worn tracking)
  • 1 Pair of shorts
  • 1-2 Long-sleeved shirts
  • 3 Short-sleeved t-shirts
  • A breathable waterproof and windproof jacket
  • 1 Sweater, sweatshirt or fleece
  • 1 Skirt (for women)
  • Swimsuit
  • Strong, waterproof walking boots – pants should be tucked into socks and boots while trekking (heavy-soled rain boots also work well)
  • Pair of sports sandals
  • Telescopic Trekking Staff
  • Hat: Wide-brim or with a visor for sun protection
  • Sleepwear
  • Underwear (moisture wicking for gorilla tracking)
  • Lightweight wool socks
  • Gloves: gardening or similar (for tracking)
  • Alarm clock
  • Ear plugs to prevent noise from the jungle
  • Wash cloth

These are most of the things you might need on your travels but do remember to always travel light just for convenience and the fact that some airlines don’t usually accept too much luggage either.


Addresses of friends and family for postcards, ATM/Credit cards, (let your bank know you’ll be traveling abroad before you leave), Bird and animal guidebooks, Contact information, Driver’s license, Health-insurance card (check to see if your health-care provider has an overseas partner, Healthy snacks (chewy granola bars, dried fruit, mini bagels, nuts, and pretzels), Local guidebooks, Maps, Money belt, Money conversion chart, Passport, Photocopies of passport, Photograph of luggage contents in case of loss, Printouts of reservations, Translation dictionary, Travel journal, Travel pillow and blanket, Vaccination certificate, Ziploc bags for stowing small liquid containers at airports.

Just as a precautionary measure, the miscellaneous section is added to ensure that you feel more confident travelling. Globetrotters Travel and Tours wishes you a very fulfilling Ugandan safari for the days you are here.

Globetrotters Travel and tours Ltd.